

无论你是否想换工作, 在你目前的领域里进步,或者只是扩大你的选择范围, 澳门足彩app的在线研究生学位可以帮助你实现这一目标.

A master’s degree is the perfect way to take the next step in your career and educational journey. 这会给你更多的工作自主权, 多样性与工作满意度, 根据《澳门足彩app》杂志上的一篇文章. 

Graduate degree holders on average earn more money and are less likely to be unemployed than those with bachelor’s degrees, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS). 拥有硕士学位的员工的平均工资是12美元,比有学士学位的工人每年多挣480美元, the BLS reports.  

为什么要在圣. Joseph’s University

虽然攻读硕士学位可能是某些职业的必要条件, 它提供的不仅仅是它的实际应用. 学生通过澳门皇冠app与其他专业人士的关系网, gain invaluable experience by implementing in their careers what they learn in the classroom, 并更多地了解他们喜欢的领域. 

At St. Joseph's University, our graduate students gain a top-notch education that instills in them the knowledge and skills necessary for personal and professional success. 学生们向被认为是该领域专家的人学习, 而且他们会在自己方便的时间和地点这样做.

St. Joseph’s University online program offers several flexible master’s programs that help working adults develop the skills associated with superior and ethical professional performance. 看看下面的列表, 找到适合你的项目, 做好准备,在你热爱的领域取得成功.



St. 约瑟夫工商管理硕士(M.B.A.), 就像我们其他的研究生管理研究项目一样, helps develop managerial skills across every facet of business and builds the analytical skills that solve everyday business problems. 想要一个管理级别的职位? 那么这个项目就是为你准备的.

While the M.B.A. 是否适合有丰富工作经验的学生, the 36-credit program will advance your career to the next level by consistently placing you in real-world situations.

All of St. Joseph’s Graduate Management Studies programs emphasize the development of abilities associated with superior managerial performance and the application of theoretical and quantitative knowledge to everyday business situations.




M.B.A. 卫生保健管理

The M.B.A. 卫生保健管理 provides a comprehensive business education that emphasizes the financial, legal, regulatory, managerial, political, social and historical aspects of health care while also focusing on current issues. It will help you develop and combine business skills with essential healthcare knowledge. 贯穿整个课程, the program supports the development of ethical behavior and social responsibility, 包括工作场所的多样性. Each course has a self-directed managerial applications component that addresses an appropriate, student-identified issue/problem/task within an actual health care environment.




M.B.A. 卫生保健管理 with a Concentration in Health Information Systems

旨在发展或提高规划方面的专业知识, 发展和实施卫生信息系统, this concentration focuses on how health information systems can improve the delivery of health care by using the latest methods and technologies in the field.



M.B.A. in Marketing
Unleash your creativity.

注意到市场营销环境在不断发展, our MBA in Marketing provides a strong foundation in the business knowledge and skills required to succeed in today’s digital marketing environment. 

Our program guides students through the management process and helps them develop managerial abilities, 由情商驱动, 这是有效的商业领导的关键. 

通过跨学科课程, 学生们钻研诸如消费者洞察等市场营销领域, 电子商务与定量分析, 专注于数字营销, 物流和市场数据分析. Students will work in teams throughout the program to replicate cross-functional groups, 哪些是用来解决现实世界中的营销问题的.



M.S. 应用行为分析

The M.S. 在应用行为分析程序可在圣. Joseph’s University, New York’s Online Campus offers students an enriched background in behavior analytic theory, as well as comprehensive training and supervision in the practice of behavior analytic assessment and intervention for individuals with autism, 自闭症谱系障碍或相关疾病.

具有很强的行为分析原理的核心知识基础, our students graduate well-equipped to become Licensed Behavior Analysts (LBA) and/or Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA).




M.S. 人类服务领导
Visionary leaders needed. Inquire within.

人力服务领域的就业机会不断扩大, as is the need for qualified leaders in a field that includes child welfare, mental health, substance abuse, family support, health care, 刑事司法和公共安全, among others. Whether the goal is a career transition or a promotional opportunity in one of these fields, St. Joseph’s graduate program in human services leadership will develop the specialized leadership skills necessary to position yourself as a respected professional in the industry.

Our program provides human services professionals with a progressive education built on a groundbreaking, 以研究为基础的领导力发展课程. 主题包括对金融的关注, legal, regulatory, political, 社会和历史方面的人力服务行业, all of which are anchored on a contemporary and service-oriented leadership model.

The M.S. 人类服务领导 consists of 10 courses developed specifically for this program, which incorporate the leadership competencies necessary to develop visionary leaders who will make a positive impact on their organizations and communities at large.




M.S. 在管理,卫生保健管理方向

If you're interested in a management career within a health organization, our M.S. in Management degree offers an accessible and competitive Health Care Management Concentration catered to working adults. You'll build the necessary skills and competencies that are required of health care managers and executives across all sectors of the health care industry, at your own convenience. A leadership position is in your reach — find out just how far you can excel in the health care field with a M.S. 在管理,卫生保健管理方向. 




M.S. 主修管理学、人力资源管理

针对以事业为导向,渴望成功的学生,圣. Joseph’s M.S. 《澳门足彩app》将职业发展提升到商业世界的最高水平.

Designed for working adults who want to advance in the Human Resources field, 该计划的重点是教学生如何成为有效的领导者, strategic partners, problem-solvers, 以及公共服务部门的政策推动者, 私人和非营利组织.

All of St. Joseph’s Graduate Management Studies programs emphasize the development of abilities associated with superior managerial performance and the application of theoretical and quantitative knowledge to everyday business situations.




M.S. 主修管理学、组织管理学

St. Joseph’s M.S. 《澳门足彩app》将职业发展提升到商业世界的最高水平. Designed for working adults holding leadership positions in the public service, 私营和非营利部门, the program offers adult learners the opportunity to improve their understanding of how organizations function, 培养有效的沟通技巧, 加强道德决策和衡量工作表现.

All of St. Joseph’s Graduate Management Studies programs emphasize the development of abilities associated with superior managerial performance and the application of theoretical and quantitative knowledge to everyday business situations. Every course emphasizes ethical behavior and social responsibility to stay true to the University motto.


