
澳门足彩app as part of its inclusive and transformational mission stands dedicated to providing equal opportunity to persons with disabilities in all functions of the University, 包括平等访问网站和数字媒体. 随着信息技术对我们校园的影响越来越大, 这所大学仍然受到其创始人魅力的启发, 圣修女会. 约瑟夫,以维持尊重,尊严和包容的气氛.

所有由St成员创建或获得的数字内容. 约瑟夫大学教职员工并通过电子方式传播, 除本政策规定的例外情况外, 必须让最广泛的用户可以访问, 包括那些更普通的感官, 运动和认知障碍, by adopting as a minimum all requirements of World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1标准.

该政策将分阶段实施. 第一阶段包括创建或获得的任何新的数字内容, 并在这项政策出台后传播开来. 该政策的其他阶段将包括, at a minimum; remediation of content created or obtained before creation of this policy, 以及现有的硬件, 软件和数字产品和服务的采购. 这一政策是一个活生生的文件,将随着数字内容的变化而变化. Policy changes will be communicated to the University community and training opportunities will be provided whenever changes to the policy take place.


Digital accessibility is the practice of creating (or 获得) and disseminating digital content that is usable by all students, 员工和其他利益相关者澳门足彩app. 虽然无障碍是残疾人理解的必要条件, 浏览和贡献数字内容, 这对每个人都有益. 数字无障碍是主动的, taking into consideration how users will use and perceive digital information as part of the creation and delivery of materials. 数字无障碍使有听觉的用户能够访问网站和数字内容, 认知, 神经系统, 物理, 语言和视觉障碍, 临时的和永久的. 除了, digital accessibility is beneficial for users limited by the size of the screen they are using to access the material, 他们在访问材料时所处的环境(例如.e. 阳光太亮或无法听音频),或受限于网络连接.


此策略适用于所有获得的数字内容, 发达, 分布式, 使用, 由圣. 并在教学中使用, 学习, 研究, 服务, 聘任及履行大学其他官方职能. 这包括任何网页, 基于web的应用程序, 电子文档, 在本政策生效日期之后创建或获得的多媒体. 它还包括用于创建和/或传播数字内容的任何第三方应用程序.e. 基于web的内容创建、教科书补充材料或移动应用程序). Digital content and resources created or obtained prior to the effective date of this policy must comply according to the time frames specified below for web page requirements.


无障碍是所有美国人都关心的问题. 约瑟夫大学的社区参与了创作, 获得, 共享和发布数字资源. 每一个教师, 管理员, 工作人员,  或者是学生组织, 设计, 发展, 建议, 采购或管理数字内容和/或资源受本政策约束并负有本政策的责任.


为了确保在澳门足彩app, those responsible for making decisions about which products to procure must consider accessibility early and throughout the process as one of the criteria for acquisition. 这对于影响大量学生的企业级系统或技术尤其重要, 教员和/或职员.


  1. 必须要求供应商提供有关其产品可访问性的信息.
  2. 供应商提供的信息必须是有效的, 用可靠和客观的方法测量的.
  3. 合同中应包括无障碍保证. 那些做出采购决策的人必须能够客观地评价产品的可及性, 仔细检查供应商提供的信息.


采购语言样本: This page on accessibility policy from the National Center on Disability and Access to Education includes sample accessibility language for requests for proposals, 特定产品的采购合同, 采购程序适用于一般采购.


加州州立大学无障碍电子和信息技术采购:作为其全系统无障碍技术倡议的一部分, CSU提供政策, 程序, 以及其他资源,以支持供应商和机构在采购中满足无障碍要求.

麻省理工学院网站和软件无障碍政策和指导方针: Most notable among MIT’s accessibility resources are checklists to assist in evaluating accessibility when purchasing web based products or software.


The University relies on the guidance provided by the 信息技术 Industry Council (ITI) Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) for a detailed report of the accessibility of a product or 服务. Ask vendors to provide an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) in the most current VPAT® format as proof of their product or 服务’s accessibility support. VPAT®模板应完整填写,并包括测试方法, 一致性水平, 以及根据WCAG 2的成功标准,任何部分支持或不支持的级别的备注.1 AA.


对于任何WCAG 2.产品或服务仅部分满足的AA成功标准, 或者不符合, the vendor should provide a road map documenting the expected timeframe and release cycle that will resolve each accessibility issue. Departments should follow up with the vendor to ensure the product is meeting the goals of the accessibility road map.


由其自行决定, the University may request a product demonstration of the accessibility support features of a given IT product or 服务. The vendor should be prepared to create a test account and provide a tour of the accessibility features (demonstrating both keyboard support and screen reader support) of their product via a web conference or in-person meeting.


Limited exceptions due to undue burden and non-availability may be granted from the policy where compliance is not technically possible, or is unreasonably expensive or difficult in that it may require extraordinary measures due to the nature of the digital content/resources. 然而, 在这些情况下,产品目前不符合规定, 将尽一切努力在规定的日期之前修复缺陷.

The conclusion of undue burden or non-availability is an institutional decision to be made by the 数码无障碍协调员 in consultation with the affected unit and others with relevant perspective or expertise. An exemption does not relieve the University from meeting legal obligations to make reasonable accommodations to users upon request to access the digital content/resources in an equally effective and accessible alternative manner. 


Those responsible for 获得 and creating digital content must monitor and evaluate their content on a regular basis. Questions or concerns regarding compliance with the policy or standards should be reported on the 数字可访问性 Form (will create & 提供连结至表格). All questions and concerns will be directed to the appropriate PC Accessibility Liaisons to address issues of accessibility with digital content and/or resources. The liaison is responsible for contacting the individual responsible for the material who must correct the accessibility issues in a timely manner, 解释为什么修改内容/资源会给大学带来不必要的困难, and/or work with the Office of Student Accessibility 服务 to identify a reasonable accommodation that provides equal access. 如果员工没有对可访问性问题提供令人满意的响应, 联络员将与他们的PC成员联系,由他们来处理问题, 与数码无障碍协调员协商, 如果有必要的话.









2020年5月:对当前数字内容/资源的审计, 制定PC区域实施计划,培训教职员工.

2020年5月- 2024: All new digital content will be accessible (This includes online classes and class content posted on the LMS to supplement hybrid and face-to-face classes; most units will be creating new content that is accessible well before this deadline).

2020年5月- 2028: All current (non-archived) content will be accessible (This includes online classes and class content posted on the LMS to supplement hybrid and face-to-face classes; most units will be creating new content that is accessible well before this deadline).





总统办公室Kimberly Mailley



  • 图书馆:阿黛尔·菲茨杰拉德
  • 注册办公室:Robert Pergolis
  • 画布/教师:艾米波兰


  • 布鲁克林:盖尔·莫兰 & 艾米丽Cementina
  • 长岛:Elizabeth McGonigle


  • 画布:莫林·威廉姆斯
  • 采购:Eileen Lada


  • 网站:Justin Hansen
  • 设计:Stephanie Kearney


  • 布鲁克林:罗密欧·桑切斯
  • 长岛:布莱恩·格林

金融援助Jennifer Inchiocca

人力资源: D 'adra嘎吱声


  • 布鲁克林:David Gonzalez
  • 长岛:布莱恩·吉尔



